Manuscript Submission
Submission requirement
8 pages in the first submission are allowed for each paper, including figures. A maximum of 6 pages is
permitted at the final submission for accepted paper, but each page in excess of 6 will incur an extra charge
of 200 CNY.
Discount is available for two papers with same first author
How to Submit
1. Prepare your full paper in PDF.
2. Log in the online submission system using your PIN and password.If you do not have an account (PIN)
yet, please follow the instructions at the website to get a new one. Please fill out
all authors' PINs in the submission.
3. Click "Author Center" of CCDC 2025.
4. Select a submission
type (see below about the submission types), click "submit a new contribution" to start the submission.
Note on publication in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library
Accepted papers written in English will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements,click here to see IEEE Xplore’s scope.
Paper Templates
Submission Types